Whitetail Deer Hunting Details:
Price: Bucks Only - $500 per person. $250 deposit required per person. This is an "on your own" hunt. There are no stands, pre-baiting or guiding.
Package includes:
Deluxe cabin accommodations
First day orientation to best areas on crown map locations
Deer hanging facility
Package does not include:
Non resident deer hunting license, which is approximately $240 Canadian Funds.
Export tag, which is approximately $35 Canadian Funds
Firearms Declaration Form - $25.00 Canadian Funds (unless booked at sport show) - Phone 1-800-731-4000. Do not sign the form until a custom's agent asks you to. They need to witness you signing the form.
Tree stands or ground stands
Ground transportation
Food and drinks (housekeeping only)
Boat and motor
Crown Land Maps (Explorer Series Maps available through Kestrel Forestry)
Canadian Firearms Declaration Form:
You can phone toll free 1-800-731-4000 and purchase a declaration form for $25 or download the form for free at Download CAFC 909 (PDF 323 KB)
Canadian Firearms Declaration Form Continuation Sheet:
Download CAFC 910 (PDF 300 KB)
Please Note: Do not sign your declaration form until the customs agent asks you to.
What to bring:
ATVs (optional) must have helmets and insurance.
Previous hunting license (Canadian or American)
Tree stands or ground stands
Warm clothing
Hunter orange vest and hat - minimum 400 square inches (no camouflage orange allowed)
Rifle .270 or larger
Bow 40lb plus
Calls, rattles scent eliminators
Secure case or trigger lock for firearm storage
Soft rifle or bow case for before and after legal hunting times
Food and beverages
Thermos, flashlight.
Walkie talkies
Warm boots, gloves, stocking cap (hunters orange)
Ontario Hunting Regulations:
Visit the MNR website at www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/FW/Publication/MNR_E001275P.html for hunting regulations.
Ontario Hunting Regulations in Adobe PDF Format:
Ontario Moose Hunting Regulations
Ontario Black Bear Hunting Regulations
Ontario Whitetail Deer Hunting Regulations
Ontario Small Game Hunting Regulations
Should you have any general questions pertaining to the hunting regulations summary please contact the Natural Resource Information Centre at:
1-800-667-1940 or
by emailing mnr.nric.mnr@ontario.ca
Main Whitetail Hunting Page
Whitetail Hunting Gallery