Black Bear Hunting Details:
Hunt Cost: $1550 US Funds per person. $200 deposit required per person.
Success rates are usually between 85% and 100% each year. Weather is the biggest factor.
Hunting dates:
Hunt begins August 15 to the end of September
Weekly hunts are Saturday to Saturday
Check-in time is 2pm. Check-out time is 9am.
Outstanding Features:
100 square mile BMA (Bear Management Area) and located in WMU 8 (Wildlife Management Unit 8)
Area surrounds Vermilion Bay, Ontario's waste disposal site (garbage dump)
Very successful area for large bears only 8 miles from lodge
What's Included :
Fully modern lakefront cabin with gas BBQ.
2 pre-baited sites. Baited 2 weeks prior to hunt per hunter
Saturday orientation at sites.
17ft. boat, 25hp. Honda 4-stroke all gas for mid-day fishing
Retrieval assistance, skinning assistance.
Freezer service, 1500 sq. foot indoor cleaning and freezing facility.
Firearms Declaration Form provided at sport show bookings only (fee not included $25) (1-800-731-4000)
What's Not included:
Tree stands - Due to insurance issues, outfitters in Ontario can no longer provide tree stands
Ground transportation
License - approximately $193.25 Canadian Funds
Export tag approximately $35 Canadian Funds
Firearms Declaration Form not provided at camp - You can phone 1-800-731-4000 to obtain one. Do not sign until in front of a customs agent.
What to bring:
4 wheeler ATV's (optional) helmets required and proper insurance.
Tree stands and accessories
Previous hunting license - Canadian or US
Warm clothes, hunters blaze orange 400sq. inches required (hat and vest or jacket). Camouflage hunter orange is not accepted in Ontario
Weapon of choice gun, bow or crossbow.
Soft gun case or bow case (legal requirement)
Bug jacket and repellent
Rain gear, binoculars, flashlight (batteries)
Scentlock suit or scent killer
Coolers and freezer bags for meat
Hunting & skinning knives/ sharpener
Fishing rods/tackle
Food and drinks
Suntan Lotion
Canadian Firearms Declaration Form:
You can phone toll free 1-800-731-4000 and purchase a declaration form for $25 or download the form for free at Download CAFC 909 (PDF 323 KB)
Canadian Firearms Declaration Form Continuation Sheet:
Download CAFC 910 (PDF 300 KB)
Please Note: Do not sign your declaration form until the customs agent asks you to.
Ontario Hunting Regulations:
Visit the MNR website at www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/FW/Publication/MNR_E001275P.html for hunting regulations.
Ontario Hunting Regulations in Adobe PDF Format:
Ontario Black Bear Hunting Regulations
Ontario Whitetail Deer Hunting Regulations
Ontario Moose Hunting Regulations
Ontario Small Game Hunting Regulations
Should you have any general questions pertaining to the hunting regulations summary please contact the Natural Resource Information Centre at:
1-800-667-1940 or
by emailing mnr.nric.mnr@ontario.ca
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